Friday, July 6, 2018

Its been a week

Hello Madre! 

     It's been a little over a week since I was left in a parking garage surrounded by a bunch of people with white shirts and black name tags only to be given my own name tag and schedule that allows for 8 hours of sleep and 16 hours of work and study sessions a day. I'm currently writing this email in the Laundry room because i have 18 minutes until my dryer is done and I can then proceed to iron all of my clothes because that is the way of missionary life. Dad asked me a few questions about what was going on over here so collaborate with him if you want pictures of my tag (Not my tag picture but just me trying to explain SYL) and of my district. there are like five missionaries going to Rome and the other 17 or so headed to Milan. 
     I've been writing in my journal every day so there will be plenty to share in the week that i'm allowed to stay with you and dad wherever we are living at the time after I get off my mission. I'm excited to have you come pick me up in Italy because I'm sure by that point I'll have tons of stuff i can show you and a ward to introduce you to. Here at the MTC there are are a few sisters from Italy that are keen top help us earn their language and they are just the most expressive people that i know. a lot is said with their hands and more is said when they don't say anything. It's weird and different but I really enjoy it. 
     The food here is alright, but sometimes it's just a nice thought. I've been told that Milan Italy has better spaghetti while Rome has better pizza and nicer people. I'll let you know if that's the case when I get there but as of now that's the assumption I'm operating under. It's getting easier to understand the language but i'm still far from where I need to be. my teacher told us that it'll take about 6 months in the field before you become proficient enough to start picking up on the very very slight differences between some of the masculine and feminine words which sound the same but are the difference between calling someone a beautiful women or a drag queen. it's not a mistake I look forward to fixing. 
     I don't know if I mentioned it but they gave me an iPad for my stay at the MTC so I can get email's every day and see them but I can only respond from 6 to 6 on Friday.
Ciao for now! 

Anziano Anderson

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