Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Honestly, This was quite a week.

     I don't have a whole lot of time today, and the wifi is not so great so the photos will have to wait until next week (sorry to all who enjoy those, but I'll see if I can't get one to send or something somehow.) because there were quite a few awesome things that occurred which I can share, but not take pictures of. 

Pizzas eaten: 53

Gelato: 43

Boooks of Mormon: 74

     This week was nuts. We started off with a headache and leg cramp on Tuesday, and then I had to find some out of the way little localized something or other store for us to pay the phone bill. We couldn't find it to save our lives, and then some dude just pulled out of traffic to give us the directions to that store while he was on his moped and then he drove off like he didn't just save our night. What a legend. 
     Wednesday was the start of a scambio for the other two anziani that live in our house with us, and they were trading companions for the day with the Zone leaders in Rome 5. That's about an hour from where we are, I'm not even sure exactly where they are at to be honest, just that they are a little ways away. I also had to give a lesson to all the members in my district, all eight of them for district council. That's basically where we meet once a week as a district to talk about how the work is going and what it is that we can do to help the others with their work. Then we had a group pizza eating session that some might call the meal of "lunch" and it was delicious. 
     Thursday, we went door to door or house to house really. You know, typical missionary stuff. Most all of the houses let us in, and they all met us at the door before gently telling us that they had no interest in our message. One couple let us in because they thought we were the catholic priests that they had called to bless their home. We are not catholic priests, but we still offered to dedicate the house. They graciously declined and wished us well. We found a few people who told us to come back tomorrow, and so we planned to do just that. 
     Friday, we did just that and we visited again. The lady who told us to come back, probably did not expect us to do so, because when we rang her through the citofono (intercom that apartments have) she started casting us out with Saint names and threats of police and other harsh words. I'm just glad that I was able to understand it all, and then we found Marco. He has interest in The Book of Mormon, so we gave him a copy, and got his number. Hopefully more to come there. 
     Saturday. We received an email to go to an very far away hospital and give a blessing there to someone who we had never met and who was in the ICU. After seven hours of searching through the hospital, we found him, unconscious on a bed. I had to give him a blessing on my own due to the hospital rules, and in Italian because that's how it works here in Italy. You speak the language or no one understands you. Te we made it to our other appointment just on time after getting lost in the wonderfully confusing place that is Italy and it's streets. 
     Sunday. I had to translate for a gaggle of Americans and I misunderstood the word for "chapel" as "hat" Capella, and Capello respectively. I had to make a metaphor in order for the hour long lesson to make sense and as soon as the lesson was over, every other missionary told me what I had done. Surely, this will not happen again with this word. That just goes to show that we are all human and that no one, besides Christ, is perfect who ever walked on this earth. 

That's all for now my peeps, 

Anziano Anderson

P. S. If some of you missionary folk that receive this email know the emails for anziano Griffeth and Bizzotto, please feel free to send those to me so I can include them as well. The rest of you, live a beautiful life. 

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