Friday, April 12, 2019

Some people just can't seem to decide when they want to meet.

Ciao tutti! 

     Voi siete bravi personi! This week was full of awesome things! and some not so awesome, like me falling up a down escalator for reasons that elude me at this time. I might explain in my email later on why I attempted such a feat as to go up a down escalator. As for the time being, statistics!! 

Pizza eaten: 55!

Gelato: 43 (plan to make that number go up sometime soon, but not sure exactly when) 

Books of Mormon: 75!

    I'm not too sure why, but I'm very happy today. So, there will be lots of fun things included in this email and just stuff that occurs in missionary work and life. I'll start with Tuesday and then we'll go on from there, explaining a fun story every day that occured if there is one worth talking about. Andiamo! 

      Tuesday! we had very much in the way of meetings today. Six whole hours of zone conference. That's a normal zone conference for us, because president is very God at scheduling these, and because they happen once a transfer and also due to the fact that the mission is so big, it takes about three weeks for all the many and widespread zones to gather. 
     After about three hours, the Rotisserie chicken (one of my favorites) showed up with the pasta from some local diner and so we ate much in the way of chicken, pasta and roasted potatoes. After lunch, we talked much about how to give invites and then how to follow up on them. I was very glad for this lesson, because I realized that I was doing most of the right things, but then I also had some things that I was able to correct to make my invites go from good, to Great. Then, we took many zone and companionship photos (of which I will actually include in this email) and then we were able to take all of the mail that we received this conference. 
     If any of you have sent me a package in the past few months, I'm sorry to say that it has yet to arrive, but there is always a month and a half from now! We received a ride home from the zone leaders and then we were able to watch all these dunny videos called "Safety Zone" which is the only show dedicated to keeping missionaries safe, and healthy through video replay and analysis. It's on the gospel library app if you want to see what I have to watch every day in order to keep myself nice and not hospitalized. 

     Wednesday! Literally just a bunch of walking and talking with no super awesome stories. Just some cookies for dinner and a game before bed with the other anziani. Aways good to have a chill evening every once and again. 

     Thursday. We found a wallet on Sunday and tried to return it today. It really didn't turn out well, because the doctors office we went to (because that was the only address or phone number we had as the persons wallet was actually devoid of any helpful details other than her medicinal prescriptions receipt) closed after an hour and a half of being open. They are open from  nine to ten thirty every day. Except weekends. Literally an hour and a half for five days in the week. That's barely a whole working day in a week. I hope the man is a successful doctor, but I'm not sure I'll be seeing him anytime soon. I'm in good health, thanks to Safety Zone! 
     After the Doctors visit, we went to the metro, but only made it a little ways before it started to rain, buckets. We took refuge in a Chinese store and discovered a completely real, one hundred percent WOODEN KNIFE that was meant to be part of a COMPLETE WOODEN AND THREFORE GOOD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT SET. That's how it was scribbled on the packaging. Makes me love this world just a little more. Much like the little staircase that I found shortly after we left the store that descended into a room that was also out of the rain. But, all I found in there were used condoms and heroin needles and other such litter. We left shortly after that for an appointment closer to Rome. In closer to center Italy. 
     When we arrived there, we went to Alì Babà kebaberia (which is illegal in the states because it's just a pole of meat sitting out in the open) and I ordered an whole Maxi for myself. There are four sizes. That one ranges in the "how are you able to consume all that and not have to immediately go to the hospital" category. Well, I ate it all, and then went to an appointment we had with a man named Diego. This man moved our appointment to Friday, and so we then went to the temple for our second appointment with a security gaurd who works there but is not a member. We taught him, and his friend, a recent convert also accompanied us. They work together as guards and so we stood in the booth with them for a while as we taught him for forty five minutes. 
     In that lesson, we hit the word of wisdom, Tithing and the question of Polygamy that always comes up when we speak to anyone for more than five minutes. They don't know the church's real name, but they know about the polygamy and think that we are Amish. But, the lesson went well. He accepted all that we taught and then we set up a follow up appointment for this coming week. It was the wildest first lesson that I've had on the mission.
     Shortly after this, in order to get to the church in time for English course, we tried to take a bus. Well, we left waiting for the bus and were barely down the escalator when the bus showed up. I tired to run up, but the rain was so strong and there was so much water that in my initial jump back up, I slipped and hit the metal corners very hard. Bloody hands, knee and an ankle, all while getting a mouthful of delicious sreet rainwater. The escalator descend from the street into the metro. We missed the bus and I hobbled back to the metro with my companion. We then missed English course and barely made it home before the other anziani. We had an hour head start. That night, there was lightning and stormingswhich made it hard to sleep. But, it was an awesome day for sure. 

     Friday: I required Crutches for the whole day because my ankle swelled overnight and I could not put so much weight on it. Eventually, we made it out the door with time to spare and when we made it to the metro, we got to watch an old Italian lady scream insults and curses at an innocent public transportation worker because she was slightly inconvenienced with some necessary maintenance that was being done to make sure the metro continued to work. it was just sad watching someone of that age act like a child who had been told "no" for the first time and understood what that meant. 
     While we waited at Diegos palazza where he worked, for him to finish, he rescheduled us to Monday (today) and today (Monday) he moved us to Friday of this week. Yay. Maybe eventually we will be able to meet with him. 
    Saturday, a great big service project where we helped a family move out of their house and then they fed us pizza before we left to watch the morning session of General Conference at six pm our time. Woo-hoo. 

All in all, a wonderfully spiritually nurturing and physically demanding week where we had the greatest lessons given over a pulpit and in acts of service as well. I love this mission so much, and I love all of you very much as well! 

Until next week, 

Anziano Anderson

1. My maxi kebab. Three pounds.

2. Service project photos
3. We all found the same sticker
4. This. Wooden. Knife. 
5. My beautiful companion and I 
6. The wonderful district we are

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