Sunday, March 31, 2019

Work in all it's forms

Ciao Padre! 

     I'm excited to be here in Italy as I'm sure I've told you before, but I'm also excited for general conference because there are tons of rumors floating around to keep your eyes open and your ears keen for many announcements that pertain to missionaries and their work while here on their missions. I'm just giddy because I know that changes are on the way, and that president Nelson is an inspired man. 

     Likewise, I love the members here in this ward and I'm attempting to love the people, even if some of them are kind of weird. There is one in particular that has some slight mental setbacks but loves the missionaries and just about stalks all of us. He knows my first name and birthday (which I've never told him and I've only been here in Rome where he is for almost three weeks) and also the names and birthdays of every single missionary in the mission I'm fairy sure. There are other things he does that I don't enjoy, but I'm trying to look past the awkward outer shell that he has and focus on the soul that's focused on the work which he he has. 

     Finding people to teach when you got blown in I a very hard thing to do, especially here in Italy where most people don't have interest in what you say as a general rule so I'm just curious to know if there was something you would do, or some suggestion that you have when it somes to finding that ight help me here and now? If not, hats fine. I have the Preach my Gospel but I just wanted to know if there was some sort of application for those methods that you knew of which I had not thought of at this present time. 

     I hope you found my last email well with you, and I hope you and the rest of the family are doing well. I heard that you are going to work and living life as normally as you can now, so good on you for the recovery! I've also got to say, my studies in the scriptures since I've been out on my mission have become much more sincere. My goal is to read all of the books one time through at least, starting with the Bible because that's what the people here all claim to know and love. Reading the Bible has given me a greater understanding of the phrase "the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Joseph" and just learning about the Israelite and the history that follows them which also pertains to what we believe and why we have all of our laws and the ordinances which we have. The mission is shaping me, and I'm trying to be as malleable in the Lord's hands as he needs me to be while still being rigid enough to maintain my composure with everyone else on this blessed continent. 

This is all I have for now, until next week, 

Anziano Anderson

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