Monday, February 11, 2019

The Book is True and the Gospel is Blue

This week on Tuesday, Anziano Belnap and myself were asked by our Zone leaders to make a video about a miracle that we had seen this week and to share it with the whole zone on a group chat that we have. In this video, we talked about a member meal appointment and the circumstances that made it so much of a blessing and a miracle. At the end, we bore a short testimony about what we know to be true. I tried to say The book is blue and the church is true, but switched it around to what the title of my email is. We decided to not cut that part out of the video because it was funny and i corrected myself in the video immediately afterwards. But, this is a weekly occurence where the Zone leaders ask someone in the zone to share a miracle, and at the end of the video that was shared this week the Sorelle decided to poke some fun and said the same misquote from last week. I thought it was funny, and I'm fairly certain that it's going to continue on for another week or two before something funnier comes along. 

Pizze che io ho mangiato: 48

Gelati che io ho Mangiato: 41

Libri di Mormon: 62

Meal Appointments

     This whole week was full of random things that weren't neccessarily planned but were meant to happen. For example, on tuesday in the morning at around nine we recieved a call from a member telling us that she wanted us to come over for lunch and that the next bus leaving Agrigento for Licata was in twenty minutes. Well, all our planning was then put to naught because we were not about to tell the member that we had finding to do. Besides, free food! When we got there after an hour and some odd minutes we were driven from the station to the members house by her son in law. we stopped along the way to pick up two more of her relatives, one of them was another in law and the other was seven months along. We had a wonderful lesson and I was able to relate with the expecting woman because my sister is also very far along. We bonded over photos that I recieved just the day before and then we had a wonderful five course Italian meal of pasta and a lot of meat with some more of my "favorite" chocolate orange raisin cake. we then taught an awesome lesson about eternal families and why they are so importnat in God's plan of happiness for us. We then made it home just in time for the rain to start pouring buckets. this was great timing on my part because I didn't have a jacket nor an umbrella.
     This same family has since then invited us back every other day so that we can teach them more and they always invite a friend that we have never met before so there is always something to teach that no one has heard yet. I love member misisonary work! if you have the chance to help the missionaries out, you totally should! we love you for it, I promise you!

District Council and Scambio

     Normally, district council takes place once a week, usually on wednesday mornings and usually in my city of Agrigento here on the wonderful island of Sicilia. But, this week, Anziano Hartvigsen decided to get sick with some stomach bug that rendered him unable to travel very far without needing to vomit. This in turn led to all the rest of us, all four of us, making the trip to Caltinisetta. While this city is the birthplace of the Cannolo, it doesn't have much else to offer. so after we bought our cannoli, we went to the Caltinisetta anziani aprtment and there we had our council. Now, we have a native italian in our district so we had to speak more or less in italian 100 percent. I'm certainly not complaining, I love italian! It sounds so much prettier than english and there are funnier ways to say everything that we can say in English in Italian. The council was nothing of note really after that. nothing that you would want to hear at least, and then when anziano Belnap and I made it home, we decided to clean up the other's haircut just a little bit. Normally, this is a bad idea. and we were very much not an exception. I let Anziano Belnap clean up my "Riga" which means "Line" in italian. I'll add a before and after photo so you can see the damage that was done. as the pictures will show, we don't know what we are doing when it comes to hair. luckily though, the only difference between a good haircut and a bad one, is four weeks. I'm in week number two now, so we can hope that it will work out great in the coming two. speriamo.
     The next day we had a scambio (exchange or switch) with the Zone leaders and there was no hiding the messed Riga. they thought it was the funniest thing and I really didn't know how to feel about it so I just laughed along with them and then promised myself that there would never be another time in my mission where anyone who wasn't a barber would cut my hair. on our scambio however, I stayed in Agrigento with anziano Parton from Australia while Anziano Belnap went with Anziano Oliver to Palermo. On our scambio, we found two new people with much interest in the gospel and one of them has been studying english for ten years. It was weird to hold a gospel conversation in English and not have to explain in Italian what we just said again. She had many questions about how we were different from the Catholic church and then also what our book of Mormon is. we offered to give her a copy of it on a later date and she accepted, giving us her contact information so we could arrange for that to happen in the near future.

Other things 

     Aside from all that,the week was really awesome. this coming week is already so packed, the only day that we don't have anything planned for is Saturday, and today because we have this day to relax and prepeare for the rest of the week. Italy is great fun, I love all of you, and I'm excited to hear back from all of you during the week! Bring your questions to me and answer them I shall!


1. The after photo
2. My companions sense of humor
3. So many cats
4. It rained again
5. These always make me think of Washington because one of my teachers had one. 
6. Before. 

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