Monday, February 4, 2019

It was a cold week

Buongiorno tutto! 
This was indeed a week of cold! Not because it was cold outside (it was actually rather pleasant with a warmish wind) but rather because I have been fighting a head cold all week! Yay for not being able to talk! in other news, it's been a great week for the work. 

Pizzas eaten: 48
Gelato: 41
Books of Mormon: 61

English Course! 

     I'll start off my account with Thursday, because I already mentioned how last week on tuesday there was the whole "p-day shifted to Tuesday because we were in Rome" thing. I spent that Tuesday with a bunch of dead people in some catacombs. Not my favorite activity, but certainly memorable. When Thursday rolled around however, we had stuff to do. I managed to get a haircut with Anziano Belnap and and we both got Raggazzasacced with the way we look know. I'll attach a picture, but  think it's funny. Our mission president thought so as well, but this is certainly not the first time that he has heard of silly hair stories. I've heard worse stories at very inconvenient timing for that person. The usual, "I'm bald because my companion said he could cut hair and he really couldn't." stories that are somewhat prevelant in almost every mission. 
     That night at English course, a whole lot of people showed up to learn and even one guy who was on his way and nearly got hit by a car only moments before he walked into the building. He was a little cut up from jumping into the wall to avoid certain death so we patched him up and he trooped through the whole hour of our English course and even took a book of Mormon because he was curious to know what it was that we teach outside of English. 

Rotisserie Chicken

     Friday was awesome because that day is meant for weekly planning. We start it off like we would any other study session (with things being recited in Italian, prayer and the occasional snack being passed back and forth) but we had a focus on "what can we do to grow the branch into a ward" and then it hit me. We have that one member who's friend we taught at the members house that we haven't talked to since, because our schedules had been so hectic. Sorella Ballacchino! We called her up and we ended up getting a meal appointment for the very next day a her house with her daughter and son in law who are less active and a non-member respectively.  We didn't know that at the time but we found out the next day. 
     I've mentioned in emails past that there is a market outside of our house every Friday, but I've never gone through it before. So, after I bought my 5 euro chicken from the same guy as last week (because I never learn and chicken is tasty) Anziano Belnap and I walked around for a little while until I was more hungry than curious and we'd seen enough sunbleached underwear to know what to do with. The rest of the day went fantastic because there was no one on the streets due to a soccer game and I still couldn't talk very well due to my cold. It was funny trying to stop people that were on the street, because they heard me speak and more or less walked very quickly away from me while using the tried and true excuse of "I have an appointment!" to escape from us. We know that the only appointment they have is at the bar down the road where they will be for the next hour or so by themselves, drinking coffee and watching Calcio. 

The Trinity of Unholy Food Combinations (Anziano Anderson edition) 

     Saturday was an amazing day where we were able to teach la famiglia da Sorella Ballacchino. However, if you've known me for more than a week you will know that while there are foods I don't like, there are three foods I absolutely cannotforce myself to eat. At least, until today. First and foremost, Pickled Lemons. These exist and the world is a worse place for it. Second, raisins. These are fine unless you eat a chocolate chip cookie and it turns out that it was actually a raisin cookie. I can usually avoid these with ease. And third, any combination of the two flavors Chocolate and oranges. I love both of these! A lot! On their own. After a little incident abut them years ago where I ate 5 full-sized chocolate oranges on christmas and couldn't keep them down, the flavor combination has been ruined for me. 
     Well, for 45 minutes in our meeting it was just her, and us at her house while we waited for her family. We sat on the balcony and she vrought us Pannettone. This is basically fruit cake, but with raisins and candied orange rinds in them. She paired it with my saving grace, a cup of some tropical juice and then left us to eat while she cooked for a bit. My companion would not eat my slice because he wanted to save room for the actual meal, so I remembered what was almost doctrine in our house when it came to food you didn't like or have time to eat, and I quote from my Father: "Bite, swallow, bite, swallow, taste it later" which I then set about doing. Don't get me wrong, I loved the Pannettone. Just not the raisins, and I'm not going to be "that" missionary who won't eat the food that was bought just to feed them because of personal preferences. 
     The lesson went well, we taught the daughter more than her husband because he left the room to play with his four year old son and she committed to come to church with her family for fast Sunday the following day. We had a wonderful lunch of pasta al forno, sausage and some zucchini that was really scrumptious. But, they always have dessert after lunch, followed by fruit. Lunch is most definetly the longest meal in their day, usually three hours. Well, the cake that was brought to us was chocolate orange pudding cake. I thought to myself "alright, bite and swallow", but as soon as I bit into the cake I realized something. There were RAISINS IN THE PUDDING. There was no juice to save me this time, and I of course was handed the biggest slice. I managed to use the rinds of a sizeable orange and a play from my kindergarten years to cover and thereby avoid having to eat, the majority of the cake.  Can already se my Dad's face as he thinks back on his time served in the Philippines and all the Balut he ate there. This is a reminder to me if nothing else, that I do not have the strongest stomach in the family. Never claimed to, never will. 
     That night, we were called and asked by our new branch president to come and open the doors to the church for the branch council Tha I didn't know we were having. That council lasted for three hours, and there were only seven people there, including us. I've once heard that the definition of a member of the church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints is someone who: leaves one meeting so they are not late for another. This was very true today because we had only been back from our lunch appointment for maybe ten minutes before that call came in. 


     There were more people in church on Sunday then I have seen since I arrived to Agrigento. There was even a man in a wheelchair that I hadn't seen before but that everyone knew by name. There were a bunch of returning members as well that we hadn't contacted, buthat had brought their families and even the family of Sorella Ballacchino was there. Just about everyone bore their testimony before our new president had to intervene because we were going over our allotted time. 
     I love Italians. They end on time, but they never start on time. We started sacrament 15 minutes late but ended on the dot. The same for second hour. It's just so Italian, I love it so much. They don't do that on purpose, but they like to talk between the hours and get sidetracked. It's like what all of our moms do after church with each other but instead of talking for an hour afterwards, they sneak it in between the classes and then a little bit after as well. 

     This was my week. I love my mission, I love all of you, and I want to hear from you! 

Anziano Anderson

P. S. We got so many leftovers from our lunch, and I got to carry home a sizeable chunk of that wonderful cake. And a zucchini. 

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