Monday, February 25, 2019

Sorry About Last Week

I'm going to be honest, I did try to send an email last week, I did. But, the wifi was slow, and I ended up accidentaly deleting the email I spent an hour writing for all of you in an attempt to make it send faster. My bad. Anyhow, here are the stats that i know you all wait for every week and then on to tell you more about the week!

Pizza: 50! I hit the big 50 last week on monday when I ate a cannolo that was almost two pounds! Mostly by myself, but I regret eating so much ricotta in so little time. Oof. 

Gelato: 42

Books of Mormon: 62

     I'll start with last Monday and just go from there I suppose. We all went to Palermo to play some Calcio (Soccer) as a zone and that entails a two and a half hour bus ride for my companion and I, one way. This means that yes, we had indeed a whopping total of five hours of bus travel on Monday. We played our games of calcio, then we decided to go eat a pizza and that's where I ate my fiftieth pizza and immediately after, we went to this new cannolo shop where I decided it would be a wise idea to eat an whole 860 gram (almost two pound) canollo. It was a great idea for about five minutes. But twenty minutes in and only halfway done with the Cannolo made me realize that it really wasn't a great idea after all. When I started to taste ricotta in my nose, I knew I had made a mistake. I'm not going to say I'm scared of cannoli, but i'll avoid them for a while if I can help it.
     After our food, we went to catch our bus, missed it by five minutes and had to wait for the next one that came two in hours at 18:00 or five pm. so, we went to a McDonalds and like any american would, we used the free wifi to call our families and then I had the need to use the bathroom. well, the thing about europe is they love to put bathrooms everywhere, but they are pay toilets. I didn't have the .80 cents required so as I turned to leave, a very nice asian lady gave me her reciept so I could use the bathroom. It was a little random thing and I was very grateful. Now I always carry a single euro coin on me just in case. when our bus finally came, we were about halfway home before my companion started to fever. when we got home and checked, he was at 101.3 degrees and not doing too well. We spent the next day recovering at the apartment, only leaving to buy Speza (groceries) and to teach english course for an hour and then getting a ride home from a very nice member of our course.

     Throughout the week we had a whole bunch of stuff just happen. There were a few meal appointments and while they were delicious and filling, nothiing overly worth mentioning happened there. Once we were all fed, and time had passed, there was a scambio where I stayed in agrigento with anziano Hartvigson and then we were asked by a homeless man for money twice in the same thrity minutes. one thing I really dislike is how the people here ask you for money, and they point to your nametag where they see the name "Jesus Christ" and say "He would give me money, so shouldn't you!" and then they stand there for five minutes with their hand outstretched. Before the mission, I would offer to buy them food and other things, but I never gave away straight money because I want to make sure they are fed and have all the things I take for granted sometimes. But I'm not really allowed to do that as a missionary and this man would not take no for an answer because we were missionaries. It took a bible verse or two and some promises of blessings to get him to leave us begrudgingly. Other than this, not much else occurred that is worth mentioning.

     If you are family (grandpa, grandma, cousin, aunt, uncle or otherwise) and would like to talk with me at some point in my mission, send me an email! I'd love to talk and I'm allowed to do so now!

p.s. sorry this email is so short, it's been a busy day and it will continue to be busy as it goes on! ciao!

1. The produce here is huge
2. The pot of desires
3. My companion and I 
4. The cannolo I ate... 
5. The view in Italy

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