Monday, October 1, 2018

An attempted stick up and some free food

Ciao all! 

I don't have a whole lot to say today except that I do. I know I said last week was the craziest week I've had so far, but then this week happened and, well, it's not the craziest week anymore. I'll start off with the tallies and then move on to the good stuff! 

Pizza's I've munched: 27
Gelato I've scarfed: 17
Book's of Mormon I've given away: 42

- English Course and the fun to be had there
- Our newest member 
- I haven't cooked in almost two weeks
- A family of 11 

English course and the fun to be had there: 

     Alllll right. I had a feeling something like this would happen to me sometime on my mission I just didn't know it would be this soon. I've heard stories from newly returned missionaries, others who have been back for years and have families and then missionaries out here in the field with me. Somebody will try to rob you, there will be weapons involved, you will be up the creek without a canoe and in piranha infested waters. Something to that affect. Well, I was on my way to English course Tuesday evening with my companion (obviously) and something that fits the criteria for this happened to us. 
     We were walking to the church where we d English course and we were going to be almost 15 minutes early because we planned it out and we wanted to prepare the room for an activity we wanted to do to make the class more fun. We got almost 3/4 of the way there when we were stopped by a man who was asking us for a euro. "if you really represent Jesus, you'll give me money because that's what Jesus would do!" This was his logic and he wasn't letting up. I'll paint a picture of the man I'm talking about. He was about 55 years old, small and hadn't had the opportunity to bath in a while. He had a very worn bag hanging from his neck that had a puppy in it and a few other things I can only assume we're cigarette boxes. He was smoking his fourth cigarette since we'd been talking with him but at the rate he was going it was definitely not the fourth cigarette he'd had that day. 
     We were trying to tell him we don't give money away ad we really don't carry much anyways and that we had to teach an English class in the next few minutes when out of the Cafe we were standing in front of comes a person that we had met on the street a few days previous and he offered to buy us a drink. We accepted and used it as an opportunity To go inside and get away from the man. Anziano Daniels got a power ade and I got a coke because they actually taste better here than in America by a lot. We thanked the man who bought our drinks and then went outside again. Immediately after setting foot out the door, my companion was fighting with the old man for his powerade. The old man had grabbed it and tried to run off with it because he claimed he needed the salts in the drink. For three minutes I watched a hard stare down between the two of them as they gripped the drink and told the other to let go.
     The old man let go and then asked what we would do if he pulled a gun out of his bag and asked for the powerade again or some money. We stared at him and called him out saying he wouldn't shoot us because of he loved Jesus as much as he said he did then he wouldn't shoot his representatives. We then offered to buy him a drink, went inside and bought another powerade and I handed it to him. He hugged me for an uncomfortably long amount of time for a number of reasons and even if I knew you it was still wayyyyyy to long. After that and an awkward hand holding session I would rather not discuss, we made it to English course 10 minutes late.

Our newest member

     Liborio! Man, this guy is the best! He was the one who got baptized recently and he's a lawyer. Just yesterday he got the Aaronic priesthood and he wanted to be ordained on his knees just like the apostles were when Jesus Christ gave them the priesthood. We ran into him after church last night and he wanted to buy us Gelato but we told him we couldn't because we don't participate in commercial activities on Sunday. Well Liborio is an advocate lawyer so he used that trait that all successful advocates have and bought us gelato anyways while justifying it as a celebration of him receiving the priesthood. 
     I didn't want to argue so I ate Gelato. After that for the next hour he came with us as we went finding and called a bunch of ragazzacci out on skipping school and then invited them to church and to improve their lives through self application. This man is definitely going to be a force for good in this work and world.

I haven't cooked in almost two weeks

     Shortly after we said goodbye to Liborio we went to a bar. I used the bagno and shortly after I returned the owner told us that we could have anything we wanted off the menu. I got a chicken sandwich and a soda, my companion got fries. This kind of thing has happened almost every day for two weeks. I don't know why, and I don't care to know. But I love the teaching opportunities it brings.
     The members gave us whole loads of pizza, fruit and gelato for helping them with the church and bringing people to church. We extended probably 7 baptismal invites this week and I extended my first in complete Italian. The work here is awesome!

A family of 11

     To finish off my email I will tell you about the family of 11 people that we are teaching. There are 2 parents, and they both love the Book of Mormon. Five of the nine kids can be baptized and they all love hearing us teach and the kids love climbing me because they've never seen someone so tall before.
     Every time I talk even though I'm not super fluent yet, they all listen because they want to know what we teach. Jehovahs witnesses knocked while we were there, and the kids let them in so they could hear us talk. They left immediately but I love the enthusiasm of the kids. 
     After that, we just talked with them and invited them to church. Most of them came by some couldn't because of life and what that brings. But hey, it was an awesome week!

Anziano Anderson 

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