Thursday, December 26, 2019

When I wanted heelies for Christmas but actually got shampoo instead

Hello everyone!

This email will be uncharacteristically short for me as it is Christmas and that means a busy day full of food and fun at member homes and teaching appointments right after those as well. I'll send photos of the activities of this week, but otherwise I just want all of you to know that I love you and would love to hear what your Christmas traditions are! We love to cook clam Chowder in the morning and just eat that throughout the day, along with some cereal that Santa brought along with him the night before.


Pizza: 84
Gelati: 84
Books of Mormon: 105

Other than that, the week flew by and it was an eventful one but the highlights are these: a fire in the church parking lot and the arrival of many cops. I don't have a great photo of that yet, the other missionaries might though so I'll have to see. Transfers happened on Wednesday and I love my new companion who is also from Idaho so we're getting along just great! Potatos are a common factor between us and also big families. We love the weather here and have different views on Gelato flavors but otherwise we get along wonderfully 😁

Until Next week!

Anziano Anderson

Mickey mouse Christmas pancakes
The mussel pasta we ate 
Our rendition of wise men
Anziano safely enjoying elf hats
Anziano Taylor gargling peach loopis
My new shoes wrecking my feet

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