Thursday, December 26, 2019

When I wanted heelies for Christmas but actually got shampoo instead

Hello everyone!

This email will be uncharacteristically short for me as it is Christmas and that means a busy day full of food and fun at member homes and teaching appointments right after those as well. I'll send photos of the activities of this week, but otherwise I just want all of you to know that I love you and would love to hear what your Christmas traditions are! We love to cook clam Chowder in the morning and just eat that throughout the day, along with some cereal that Santa brought along with him the night before.


Pizza: 84
Gelati: 84
Books of Mormon: 105

Other than that, the week flew by and it was an eventful one but the highlights are these: a fire in the church parking lot and the arrival of many cops. I don't have a great photo of that yet, the other missionaries might though so I'll have to see. Transfers happened on Wednesday and I love my new companion who is also from Idaho so we're getting along just great! Potatos are a common factor between us and also big families. We love the weather here and have different views on Gelato flavors but otherwise we get along wonderfully 😁

Until Next week!

Anziano Anderson

Mickey mouse Christmas pancakes
The mussel pasta we ate 
Our rendition of wise men
Anziano safely enjoying elf hats
Anziano Taylor gargling peach loopis
My new shoes wrecking my feet

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The week in Review

Honestly I can't remember off the top of my head, but I have them written down in my journal. I just don't have access to that book at the moment. 

Monday: We went and visited some ceramic beds that are fairly close to the house and then we ate some food at a steakhouse wanna be by the mall all while I was on the hunt for a gift that as under five euro for a secret Santa that will take place on Tuesday. When I had eaten my food and acquired my gift, I came to the church and applied for some schools and just waited for people to wake up so that I could talk to them. A pretty succinct day. 

Tuesday: We had district council today so that way we could have it before I went to Rome that night for a technology conference that would be held on Wednesday. It was by far one of the most spiritual lessons I've ever given and there were very few dry eyes by the end of it. We exchanged gifts, and then piled into a bus so that we could go to a sushi place that was on the other side of town. 
     The sushi was nice, and towards the end of the meal the sorelle had to leave so that they could make it to an appointment on time. Well, we went to pay and literally nobody had brought cash along with them and the card reader was broken. So, happening to have just over  hundred euro that I had pulled that morning for no particular reason ended up buying the lunch for most of the district. I had just enough cash to get home in the coming days, and that in and of itself is a miracle that I cannot deny. 
     Shortly after the lunch, I packed a bag for the coming days and then we rushed ourselves to the airport. Upon arriving, I realized that I had forgotten my passport, but I had other forms of identification so I went and tried my luck. They let me on the plane and I made it to Rome without a passport, and was greeted by the assistants to the president who then took all of us to the villa where grilled cheese and homemade tomato soup was waiting for us. It was a great day. 

Wednesday: The whole day was just a five to six hour conference on how to make memes, invites and social awareness things on Facebook, and the effectiveness of finding on Facebook. There was food available and offered to us, and a nice night of grilled hamburgers and sausage at the villa where we once again spent the night. It was weird being in the villa when I know that I'll be heading home in the next six months, and sleeping in the same bed I had when I arrived here a year and a half ago. 

Thursday: I spent the day at the airport where I played Foosball against the national champion of Nigeria. I lost, but I got 5 points to his 10! So that's good for a first time if I say so myself. As soon as we landed in Sicilia (once again, no passport but I still made it through somehow) we went straight from Palermo to caltinisetta where we taught English course. The reasons for this are mostly due to government and legal registration requirements of Italy and the weird process of Permesso applications. But, I was in Caltinisetta with anziano Officer and Sabin for a night. 

Friday: We spent a good two hours driving home and then I spent a good chunk of the day applying to colleges and hopefully I'll get accepted into one or two of them when they have the time to send me the letters of acception or rejection. Other than that, it was arincina day here in Italy, and the filled, fried rice balls were all over the place for cheap! I ate well, if not a little unhealthy. 

Saturday: we spent a good portion of the day weekly planning and then cleaning up the house before going to the church to organize our area book and align ourselves on the same pages while also brainstorming different directions that we want the branch to go in the sense of parties and other activities for this coming year. 

Sunday: A day of carols and calls! we all went to bed with high nerves because we know that transfer calls are on Monday! I am staying here and I am receiving a new companion, named Anziano Taylor. If that name sounds familiar to you, it's because it is! But, the person that this name belongs to is not the same Taylor as before, so I will have served with both the Taylor's in the mission! Fun stuff! 

Photos to follow, I love you all! 

Anziano Anderson

Christmas decorations
Tech conference highlight
Nativity set at temple
Dog at the ceramic beds
The Taylor who isn't my companion
The view from the airport train ride home

Me eating too much sushi 

Monday, December 2, 2019

A weekly on time!

Hello everyone!

Pizza: 77?
Gelati: 77
Books of Mormon: 104

      Tuesday wasn't horribly busy, but my companion totally shattered his bed frame and we had to throw it out. That's a different story for another time but it was funny nonetheless. When all else was said and done, this day was pretty laid back.

     Wednesday was full of student riots and random surveys about how we use technology in the mission and then there were some silly questions as well and some things that were written in binary (which is just code used in computer programming and information relay) that one had to translate in order to understand. I did that and then sent in the survey thinking nothing more of it and going about the day as I normally would. It was a fairly uneventful day as well, outside of the riots and fireworks and the like. Anziano Morla and I were on a scambio, and I was given some spuma (Sicilian sour apple/kumquat soda) that was laced with melatonin so I fell asleep really fast after that.

     Thursday was full of food and meetings because it was district council and I gave my first addestramento as a district leader. It was an experience and a very enjoyable one at that because I have an awesome district! We had panini Bombe which are just totally massive and from two Sicilian brothers who run a food truck out in the middle of nowhere. It was awesome and the photos speak for themselves. However the survey I took came back to give me a ticket to Rome on the  tenth of December for a technology conference that I need to attend because they liked my responses I suppose. 

     Friday was a day full of sales and a tardy Thanksgiving party thrown by the wonderful Sorelle in the district and ward members. 7 hours went into the turkey just to cook it, and we had a ball making paper hats to throw a small play for the members about the history of Thanksgiving. It was fun and something that the Italians loved even if it was super cringy at times. Those are the best, are they not? And also, my companion and I had to walk home for about an hour because the party went late and the trams stopped running a few minutes before we finished cleaning the church. All fun and games though on the way home with the directions that we had to follow. Thank heavens for Google maps.

     Saturday I had a scambio with the other anziani in the house. Anziano Hernandez and I went about and did the work of the P2 anziani and we had a lot of fun with their people. Recently they have found a group of kids that are super interested in the gospel, And they have been teaching them in a group in a somewhat public setting so that they can all meet together and at once. It's a super awesome thing that they have going on and I'm impressed with what they have going on. It's very natural and effective. I have no doubt those kids will join the church at some point in their near futures.

     Sunday was a beautiful experience for me because I was able to interview a man that the P2 sorelle have been preparing for baptism, and the spirit I felt emanate from that man while he spoke was powerful and indescribable. This man had not yet been baptized but he will be soon. He has one of the strongest testimonies I've ever heard. I challenge all of you to grow your testimonies this week by following the "light the world" initiative put on by the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints and extending a helping hand to your neighbors. 

I love you all and would love to hear from you! 

Anziano Anderson