Monday, September 2, 2019

Meetings for Miles and Miles

Ciao my golden friends! 

     This week was exactly what the title said it was! We had the planed and regulated seven days in the week that is custom throughout the world. However we had four of those days full of meetings for different and various reasons, and they were all back to back. For Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday we were given normal days to just work and do what it was that we desired. From Thursday to Sunday we had a meeting to prepare for another meeting to epare for yet another meeting. More on the way in the words to follow these below! 

Pizza: 65
Gelati: 53
Books of Mormon: 95

     Monday was a fun and laid back day of storms and just a few calls made to my family. Well, my sister. The rest of my family happened to be in Mexico at that time. I saw some videos though, and it looked like they wer heaving a blast, so rest assured that they are doing absolutely okay right now and not at all in the least bit stressed about anything in the slightest! Otherwise, we had a ball finding new people that night and then we turned in for the next day of fun and wholesome activities. 

     Tuesday was a sweet reminder of my childhood as we had district council and then went to our ward mission leaders house where we had a nice little council with him and lunch. The thing that reminds me of my childhood is the food that was served while we were there. As most of you know, my Father served in the Phillipines and so he learned how to cook the four good dishes that they have, and I like to think that I know how to cook one of them, but I suppose I'll have to ask one of the Philippino members that we have here. Anyhow, this member is phillipino and he cooked adobo with rice, and some fried fish that you could eat entirely, bones and all. It was better if you did not ingest the skeletal system and head, but some of us tried a nibble just to say that we did. So, I had some food that I didn't realize I would miss and it was just a good day overall. We spent a good chunk of this day doing some area book flushing to meet with the standards of the new privacy laws, and I made a new tie for myself out of an old pillowcase because I didn't want to buy a new tie and also because I wanted to try making a tie anyhow. 

     Wednesday was fun because we spoke solely in Italian from 09:00 until 21:00 and that helped me realize just what I can't actually say in Italian and what I need to work on. Mostly subjunctive (I wish/think/would like, etc) and some other just ridiculous things that you wouldn't use in a normal gospel lesson. We liked it so much that we plan to keep doing that at least once a week for the rest of the transfer and then just see where our Italian skills are by the end of the six weeks we have together. 

     Thursday started our chain of meetings, and where better to start than with the president of the mission? We spoke with President Smith and had a ball there before we ran back to the church and arrived just in time to teach English course before we headed home for the night. It was fun, I taught the people in attendance how to ask for haircuts, and showed them some pretty radical 'dos as well. Thanks Facebook! 

      Friday was an early start and donut delivery run from Battistini to via dei settebagni 46 in Roma if you want to map that out. Overall it took about an hour and forty-five minutes because busses and metro were the only way we could get from point A to point B. It was fun, and when we made it to the temple, we dropped the donuts off and then went to practice a musical number that my companion was to be a participant in. We practiced, and enjoyed a wonderful time at the temple for the next four hours as we were taught by our president at zone conference, his assistants and then some awesome zone leaders that we have. we received much wise council that we have since applied in our work. 

     Saturday was a hoot because we had all our studies in the morning, so there goes four hours because we also had weekly planning as well. We met with two sisters from our ward, the ward chorister and her very good and musically gifted friend. Both of them are from Peru and speka Spanish, but also very good Italian, and they asked us to show them how to get to the temple so we took them there on the metro and on the way up we did a bunch of finding while still keeping them informed on how to get where we were going and the number of stops and other things to look for so they wouldn't feel abandoned. They told us how impressive anziano Taylor and I are as a companionship and that we work very well together. 
      The reason we were headed to the temple was to be part of and to sing in the Stake conference that was to be broadcasted to Puglia and other parts of Italy that were too far away to feasibly make it to Rome anytime soon. We sang an opening him (number 36 in Italian, all creatures of our God and king whicg was originally Italian to begin with just so you know) and then we stayed because we wanted to learn and also because we needed to take these sisters home when all was done. We grew our relationships with them, and we had a fun little jazz session where one of the sisters made some sort of flute with her hand and my knuckles popped while we were waiting for the train. I'm slightly broken, but it sounds good when put to music apparently. We had one more great conversation with some teenagers on the way back home where the whole metro car was participating and we invited them all to attend English course among other things. The people here are very open and warm when you approach them in the right way. The right way is any way that isn't "ciao! have you seen missionaries like us before?" because the answer is always no, and then they refuse to acknowledge your existence. Fun fact. 

     Sunday was a day of memories and crossroads for me. I ran into members from Napoli and Agrigento that I haven't seen in over a year, and it was such a strange experience but also really satisfying that they all remembered me and were actually lining up take photos in front of the temple with me because it was just an awesome chance that I probably will not have until I come back in a few years from now. Photos will be attached with some explanations. They all agreed that I was a lot skinnier now than I was a year ago, and I'm glad that's the case because quite honestly I was a chunky monkey when I arrived a year and three months ago. I have less than ten months left and that's tripping me out. I'll be home sooner than I thought, and I can already say that I'm going to miss this place more than I think I know. 

     The only thing I want to invite you all to do this email around is read a few chapters of scripture and then compare them to one another because it's so important to understand that what you find in the comparison of these chapters are things that we believe in this church that no one else does. The chapters are first in the Bible:

Matthew 5-7 the sermon on the mount
Compared with:
3 Nephi 12-14

And as always, show love one to another through service. The lord says to love thy neighbor as thyself, and in Italian the word for "neighbor" is "prossima" which means "next" or the person who is physically the closest to you in any given moment. So, with that context, love thy Neighbor as thyself this week as often as you can! 

Anziano Anderson

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