Tuesday, June 11, 2019

And now we wait

Ciao tutti!

I have had a baller of a week in the sense that we found a few people with interest in our message, we have accumulated one new person to teach, and a few other people who are just super fun. 

Pizzas: 50ish
Gelati: 47ish
Books of Mormon: 78

     Monday. Lots of calls to family and a trip to some catholic churches all over Rome before Alì Babà and a kebab roll the size of my forearm. There were a few things discussed that lunch about life and how we are all much better people now that we have served then we would have been if we decided to stay home and not serve. The testimonies of many far outweigh the testimony of one. That's also why we have the book of Mormon, to read along with the Bible... Funny how that works 😂😂

     Tuesday. Aside from a lot of phone calls made in an attempt to "flush out" the phone (we made about 50 of these calls) we tried to teach English course, but my companion misplaced his metro pass on the metro the day before and so we had to take a bus that got us to the church. We showed up with five minutes left of class and then we were greeted by the other Anziani who were already there. Yay unreliable bus systems in Italy!

     Wednesday. I went to the hospital for my report and I'm happy to say that I don't have cancer! Just little bumps that like to form for no particular reason. Yay! After we spent more than a reasonable, but an entirely necessary amount of time waiting for results, we received them!

     Thursday. My companion and I had a fun morning where I was stamped quite literally with the address of the church and the hours for english course before we left the house. I then had to change and wife we were outside, I was crapped on by a bird. Luckily all I needed to do was roll up my sleeve and then the problem was *mostly* contained. I taught english course shortly thereafter and treated myself to a nice cornetto afterwards.

     Friday. We had an appointment at the temple that had to be re-scheduled because the man we were going to meet with accidentally cut himself up pretty bad at work just twenty minutes before our meeting. On the way back from the the temple, we gave away two resteration pamphlets and with them, our number. Good save on a bad appointment. On the way home I was told that I needed to make cinnamon rolls for district council he next day, so I stayed up until about midnight cooking some cinnamon rolls. 

     Saturday, we ate those rolls for breakfast at the temple for district council. After which, we went home and then cleaned up a little bit while doing weekly planning.

     Sunday. This was the best day of the week because we celebrated Anziano bellazetins birthday and also my halfway point in the mission. I have 364 days left before I come home. Sad to think about and also really boggling to my mind. We had a lesson at the temple after church and so after a lunch of pasta, we went and met with the same guy we tried to meet with on Friday, but he showed up this time. He accepted the message of the resteration, the book of Mormon, and we made a follow up appointment as well. On the way home, we made another friend on the bus ride and we got his number after we spoke to him about the rigors of missionary life and the things we do. He was super enthralled and we discovered that we live very close to one another. Good day.

That was my week, more to come! 

Anziano Anderson

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