Monday, August 27, 2018

I miracoli questa settimana

Or ''the miracles this week'' for those not learning Italian πŸ˜‚. Alright first things first:

Pizzas eaten : 13
Gelato: 8
Books of Mormon : 8

     Quindi, questa settimana is full of miracles. Nothing huge like healing a blind man's eyes or helping the lame to walk but other things that were huge to me. First off I should tell all of you this: finding people to teach is hard. If my companion and I sit down on a bench to teach the people sitting there, they move. If I manage to stop someone on the street with some broken Italian they listen and then show me their palm while walking away after I mention that we're missionaries and I'm not asking for directions. Now I'm not complaining but I'm just noticing that some people are much more prepared to hear the gospel then others. I don't know if I told you this but my companion and I are the only missionaries in Castellammare di Stabia where we live. But people love to tell us that they're talking to the other missionaries like us. At least they're nice about telling us no. But this week most of it was full of zone conference with the mission president, interviews with him and then a free guided tour from a person that we were teaching (pictures to follow) so we didn't have much time to find new people. But Saturday and Sunday (they do weeks from Monday - Sunday not Sunday - Saturday here) we didn't have to stop a single person. They all came to us with questions, thinking we were either TJ's or police officers (this happens many times a week and more often than you would think) and then realizing that we weren't what they thought they asked us their question anyways which turned into a great gospel discussion with follow up appointments from almost all of them. Someone even offered to take us out to eat at a five star restaurant this week on them because they work there. So I'm eating very well in case you were worried, but there's no need to be. But one person who said I could use his name, Daniel, stands out far more than all the others. Daniel is Christian but non-denominational so when we met him we were talking with another person named Bob (more pictures to follow) and Daniel wanted us to take his picture with the two people he was with. He asked if we were Christian and we said yes. He grabbed my companions hand and asked us to pray with him, so the six of us (Bob, my companion, Daniel and the two girls and then myself) held hands and said a prayer in Italian and then one in Spanish. After that we just had an hour of sharing our beliefs with one another. Then came Sunday where we had a linger longer (fun fact they serve you so you don't wait in line) and then we headed to the Vista (boardwalk) and sent Daniel a text to see if maybe we could meet up before he left on Tuesday (he works on a yacht) and he said that night was great for him. So we went and met him and for two hours we talked about what we believed, asked each other what our goals in life are and then why we believe in God just to name a few of the things we talked about. Some days you need to scrounge for the opportunity and some days it asks to say prayers for you.
     Now, to answer the questions that I was asked all week:
1. My shoes and suits are holding up alright but I was looking at other suits here in Italy and the store I went to, their biggest suit was too small for me. Yay.
2. If you want to see all my photos please send me a link or invitation to a cloud account where I can share them. It's hard to find wifi otherwise I would put them on Facebook.
3. The food is so good here and so ridiculously cheap I'm surprised to be losing Weight honestly.
4. The people here are genuine. Whether that's good or bad is up to you. They care very much about their friends and very little about what they don't like.
5. The funniest thing that has happened to me since I got here would have to be when I got to zone conference and showed the presidents wife a time lapse video of me drinking 2 litres (half gallon) of water in a sitting and her saying she does the same thing but then challenging me to drink more than 2 litres in a sitting because it was impressive. serving in a branch of about 18 active members and six missionaries. Four senior couples and then my companion and I.
7. My language is coming along, I can understand most small children now πŸ˜‚ usually. But they speak a lot faster than I can.
8. I've knocked on a total of 12 doors since I've been here, all on the same day because nobody answers doors they just talk through them and they all claim to have just gotten out of the shower. Every time.
9. Every Thursday I help out at Càrita's (charities) soup kitchen and Make something different every time. It's pretty awesome helping out and diffusing arguments amongst the people we're feeding with prayers. True Story 😁
     Well that's all I have for the moment, I'm going to vesuvius today, in fact I'm on the bus right now as I'm typing. Pictures to come!

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