Monday, November 25, 2019

Two weeks since an email 😅😅

Ciao a tutti! 
    I've been off the grid for a week or two and for that I apologize but I have some awesome stories to tell you, so sit down and buckle up!!!

I'm not going to place days on these, but I'm going to write about them as I remember the order in which they occurred after I inform the lot of y'all of the current numbers!

Pizza: 76
Gelati: 76
Books of mormon: 101

     Alright then! This whole experience of two weeks can be summed up in a few stories! The first one:
Recently there have been a group of punks that are about 9 to 13 years old that seem to have taken an interest in the church building and they hop the very low and easy to hop fence that covers the church so they can play soccer in our parking lot because it's the only part of the slums area that we are in that isn't strewn with broken glass and other hazards of that same type. If we happen to be there, they start throwing tile, glass, beer bottle sand other such things at us and the church once they've hopped the fence again. Why? Not sure. But, it's something that I hope to not have to experience a whole lot.
     We had Mission Conference about a week ago and we had the europe area seventy president whose last name is the same as my current companion, Elder Sabin, and he taught us an inspired lesson about unity and then invited us to do two things that I will extend to you as well. Write two lists. One with all your blessings, literally all of them. Start with the fact that you know you are a child of God. Then, write a list of all the things that you will never ever do under any circumstances no matter what. this can include sleeping in past 6:30 or yelling when you're angry. When you have the list, follow it. When your day is rough, look at your list of blessings! Conference was fun and I was invigorated spiritually.
     This sunday I was given a fine of a sizeable amount due to my human forgetfulness and the system here that is the tram. I boarded the tram in a rush to make it to the church, and we forgot to stamp our tickets. Ticket checkers boarded and I was given the first pink slip that I've ever had since my time in the schooling system that was kindergarten and first grade. I managed to talk our fine down a fatty amount and then we were given the slip and showed up to church a little late. Yay for weaknesses! but it makes for a funny story, so what else can I say? in the end, sorry this one is a little short, but the next one will be much longer, I promise! have a wonderful night and a beautiful week!

Anziano Anderson

Sunday, November 10, 2019

It's been a minute since my last email. Apologies.

Ciao a tutti! It's been a week or two since I have had the time to write an email, and I want you all to know that I am in fact alive and very well. I have had more than my share of Gelati and Pizze, so no worries there. I'm eating well and sleeping better thanks to the toll of six am wake-ups and no naps for the past month consistently. Te days and transfers are all blurring together, and for this transfer all it is for me is a brief African scented haze of fish bones that I had to eat and reallllly loud wedding parties. Photos to follow as always! 


Pizza: 76
Gelati: 73
Books of Mormon: 101

And this week as follows (I would try to catch up, but the weeks preceeding were very similar and not dull, but routine overall.) :

     This was a fun little tidbit because we had the AP's (Assistants to the President) staying over along with another companionship of anziani because that's what the housing is here for zone conference. As a house, we were assigned to buy drinks for the Zone conference, so we did that on the way to said conference. The classics like aranciata and water were brought, and then conference ensued. All the Anziani were wearing the same tie and someone brought an extra for President Smith to wear. He gladly wore it and taught us for the next little while whilst in his new tie. My district was also tasked with singing an opening song, and I along with another sorella had to sing solos. I was told that we did well, and that we might have another assignment to sing. Personally, I could go without, but it's fine by me if that's my lot. When conference was over, we were supposed to get our flu shots but the office mis-booked and so no one showed up and we are all still very susceptible to the flu as of right now. We will be vaccinated at mission conference is the new plan and hope for us.

     Preperation day! usually it's on a Monday that this wonderful occasion has occasion to occur, but occur this day it did! We went out and visited the beach and we had a ball! we weren't able to go swimming though, but it was still super fun to play in the sand for the first time in a year and a half. That's like chicken soup for my soul, and I drank deeply! I had sand sticking to me the whole day and even for a day or two day after because that's how tenacious the beach can be at times. The things I've forgotten thanks to time, let me tell you! Anyhow, after the beach we went  a fatty sushi restaurant where we ate well over 600 euro of sushi but we only paid about 200 because it was an all you can eat and the fee was per head. I ate a very large amount of raw fish and rice this day, and I regret nothing. 

     I awoke sick from the diseases that have bene plaguing this house for the past few days, and the day went rather slow because I woke up at six, tried to study but my head was pounding to hard to study, and my eyes watering too much to read so I fell asleep again. When I was awoken, it was almost 11 am and we had to leave the house to visit the church while some maintenence workers were there to fix the electricity. We were there for two hours and then we went home for lunch. A few lessons later, and I felt marginally better but still couldn't breath for anything through my nose. We invited someone to be baptized, and she said yes, so keep that woman in your prayers. Data privacy laws won't allow me to divulge the information that is her name, but I can say that she's ready for the font, just scared that she might find the waters cold and too deep to handle. We also had a sorella house get closed down and merged with the sorelle here in Palermo for security reasons. To top it off, we had a last ditch effort to advertise the play called "il verdino" or "the greenie" that the Palermo 2 anziani want to put on for the people of Italy. What an eventful day! 

This was a fairly awesome day of slight apostasy on my part because I was unable to shave this morning thanks to the fact that my straight razor was used in a play that was held that night by the P2 Anziani. So, slightly stubbly we stopped and shared the information with anyone and everyone that wanted to (or didn't) know about the play. The day started off amazing for Anziano Hansen because while he was in the shower, someone got the bright idea to start pouring tomato sauce on him, and the devolved into some yogurt, a potato, carrot, slice of bread, pomegranate, Fufu and some other food items that I can't recall at the moment. It was a long shower for him, but I can proudly say that I never threw any food at Hansen. I just held the camera because it's one of those things that doesn't happen all toooo often. The play was awesome, and at the very end we were followed for a fat minute by a very small gay man until we took off running after we went around a corner to shake him. It worked, and we were not followed home. I believe. But who can know? I'm positive that even if it had happened, we would have been completely safe. 

We were bidoned multiple times today, and we had a fun time going all the way to Bagheria just to be told that the person we were supposed to meet with was actually not available, but was in fact at work. So, our morning went out the window, and we had a wonderful time on the train ride home because we had something else set up before we made it back to palermo. We went and visited with president Kefas and he fed us some yams and fish (with all the bones) and then we visited a less active with Kefas in tow. He bore a fire testimony and we were able to back up what he said, and turn it into an invite for the less active member to come back to church. We read the talk "We can do better and be better" by President Nelson from two conferences ago. I invite you all to do the same and to seriously ask yourselves, "what can I do to be better?" and "what can I do to improve my church attendance?" and then listen for the spirit to answer you, and then be willing to follow the council that you will receive if you ask in faith. 

Only one thing of any real importance happened today after I fell into a wall and hit my funny bone so hard it actually felt like my arm was on fire for a good ten minutes and I couldn't bend my pinky. We were invited by an African to attend an African wedding, and so we went. Anziano Sabin and I were the only white people there in a sea of Nigerians who were in the middle of a wedding party. I felt like I showed up to a class late and had all eyes on me. Then I sat down and they gave me a hyper malt which is basically beer but not alcoholic. I can see why beer is an acquired taste, and I can say with certainty that I will not acquire it in my lifetime, because it just makes my whole mouth feel dry but wet. That's the best way I can describe it. The Africans there thought that I only spoke Italian, so in an effort to be nice to me, they offered me some peach tea, and I started to speak in pidgin (pronounced Pigeon) with them. They then treated me like a native and all was good. The music they had playing was so loud I could plug my ears and hear it through my feet if I was standing. I'm slightly deaf, I'm sure of it now. But the party was fun. 

It was fast and testimony meeting today. It was spiritual, but also very sad because we had some people tell us that they were going back to Africa and they would not be coming back to Italy ever again, and they were also going back to bury their parents. Sad, but a necessary part of life in the end. We then had some lessons, studies and then we brought the sacrament to a member who can't leave her house. She tells us it's the highlight of her week, and then asked to see photos of my family in the same breath. I can't keep on top of these people sometimes, but I showed her my family, and she couldn't believe how tall they all are. Honestly, I can't either. When I left, all my siblings were smaller than my parents, and now they're colse to the same size. It's crazy what changes in two years. But hey, they were going to change whether I was there or not so at least now I have some funny stories to tell when I make it home this June! I'll be seeing the lot of y'all in about 200 days or so! 

Update! I'm staying in palermo and I'm going district leader! Photos! 

- Food items in the shower
- the whiteboard for the mostra
- Our zone leader being a wonderful woman for his role
- our district lined up for our musical number
- me holding a sign with Anziano Hansen's face
- the play and its shaving scene
- me eating a lot of sushi

Anziano Anderson